Learning Groups

Infants come into the world without a "How To" manual. Each infant is an individual, unique and ready to be nurtured.
Our infant teachers focus on:
  • Bonding and attachment, providing security, building trust, nutrition, offering sensory activities and sign and spoken language opportunities.
  • Encouraging individual development and relaying accurate information to parents. ALL in the best interest of each infant.
Toddlers (One to two years old)
Between one and two years of age, children are busy exploring their surroundings and socializing with peers.
Our toddler teachers encourage:
  • Participation in self-help skills (such as using a spoon & bowl).
  • Following simple directions.
  • Recognizing the need for personal space (peer and adult).
  • The use of words (sign and spoken) to express themselves.
It is important that the teachers and parents acknowledge the natural curiosity of this age, yet set and maintain clear limits and boundaries (beginning to understand natural and logical consequences).
Two Year Olds
Two year olds are natural investigators; they want to find out how things work. Exploring and creating is a child's work.
Our two year old teachers will:
  • Provide safe, age appropriate activities.
  • Offer a variety of opportunities and activities for the children to explore and be creative.
  • Toilet training may begin during this year. It is important that the teacher and parents watch for signs that indicate their child is developmentally ready and willing to participate in this self-awareness skill.
Pre-school (three to five years old)
The world has opened up for three to five year olds. They view it as "their oyster" and are positive they know everything.
It is natural for children at this age to experiment with independence. As children experience independence safely, they gain knowledge about the world around them, trust and gain self-confidence, which are useful tools for their future.
Our pre-school teachers will:
  • Offer age appropriate choices. (This will help the children with their problem solving skills).
  • Encourage independence.
  • Be aware of each child's abilities and plan goals accordingly.
  • Promote a positive environment.
  • Encourage and develop active parent/teacher communication and cooperation.
  • Be consistent with children's schedules, routines and guidance techniques.
  • Participate and continue to gain knowledge and techniques useful in early childhood education.